Having sailed in and out of Venice on two previous occasions we had a good idea of what to expect and see. What we didn’t anticipate was the delay of about an hour to allow the Royal Princess to come out and give us a enough room to go in.

The sail into Venice has to be one of the cruising worlds best and despite having already got 2 sets of photos already it is still impossible to resist not to taking any more.

Arrival at the terminal was due to be at 10:00am and we eventually arrived at 11:00 with apologies from the Captain. We are not disembarking today and will overnight in Venice and then get off tomorrow morning. Having been here twice and also spending a night here prior to the cruise we decided to stay on board and enjoy the ships facilities for one last day. What would we do if we went ashore? Answer; nothing we hadn’t already seen and done. In two days time we will be back at work so the eventual decision made the most sense to us.

After an exhausting morning sitting by the pool we forced ourselves to go and have some lunch where again the buffet was deserted. I have no idea who they were expecting to eat all the food, perhaps my reputation proceeds me?

We sat out on the open terrace area and enjoyed the views over the lagoon while eating our last lunch on the ship. The rest of the afternoon was spend back beside the pool getting in and out of it every 20 minutes or so to cool off.
It just remains now to pack and go to dinner and have our cases out before 11:00. Its always the worst time on any cruise and it doesn’t get any easier.
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