Today our day started with a 5:45 alarm call. We needed to be off the ship as soon as possible so we could walk the 2 km or so to Napoli Porta Nolana train station. Well we did indeed get off the ship at 7:00 and were actually first off. The train we needed to catch in order to meet up with our guide was the 8:11 which got into Pompei Scavi Villa Misteri at 8:35. Pompeii opens at 8:30 and wanted to beat the rush and of course the midday heat. All went tom plan and we arrived 10 minutes ahead of schedule.
When we got to Pompei our guide Pina was waiting for us at the station and we were soon inside buying our tickets. This was the second time we have used Pina at Pompei and she was as good as the first time if not better. This second tour took in areas that we didn’t see last time and and we still haven’t managed to see half of it. I have so many photos its difficult to select the best to use. I would love to post them all.
As was yesterday, the tour was soon over but not before Pina have showed us an amazing view over Pompei (its near the toliets in the middle). I am still amazed at how well some of the colours of the wall frescos have remained as good as they are. If it hadn’t have been for the volcano then they would have been long gone and we would never have seen them.
After it was back on the train to Sorrento for some lunch before catching the 40 minute boat trip back across the bay to Naples.
Another day in port over and I beginning to think I need another cruise to get over this one as the last few days have been exhausting.
I have taken so many photos it is really difficult to narrow them down to few to post here, so I hope you are enjoying the ones I have selected so far.
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