Last night we actually managed to see one of the shows in the theatre and it was some illusionists called Sander & Alison. The production was called Magika and was actually very good. I always chuckle to myself when the introduction goes along the lines of…..and they have performed for Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford and Robert De Niro. The theatre itself is unusual itself as it is the first one we have ever seen at the back of the ship. It still faces forward and is totally disorientating when you first enter. More or less all on one level and it has a really lovely feel to it. We popped back today to try and take some photos and ended up staying to watch a film.

This morning we arrived in Tangier following a bumpy night and heavy rains. When we arrived the temperature was quite chilly and after looking at the 4 ships tours on offer we decided to go for a walk instead.

First impressions of Tangier were not too clever which might be down to the dark skies which always makes places feel a little on the drab side. We walked for a couple of hours along the front to the beach and then along it, roughly a 6 mile round trip and were back on the ship in time for some lunch. I noticed that there were lots of men dotted around all over, just sitting or standing on their own, its something I have observed in other countries too and find it all a bit strange. The sun did show itself in the afternoon but the chilly wind was still there making it too cold to sit outside for any length of time.

I would imagine that Tangier is a completely different place when the sun is shining but today it looked all rather bland and run down.
The Captain has just come over the public address to announce we are heading for Tenerife but to be alert as the seas come become a bit rough, the original storms have eased somewhat and he believes that it just about safe enough to proceed.

This was on display at the guest reception earlier in the day so it looks like we could be in for some fun tonight………