Celebrity Eclipse Postcard #4 – A Sea Day

After the first nights thumbs down with regards to the entertainment in the theatre, last night’s show was a much better affair. I can best describe it as being like the Norwegian Elements show but without the magic. Very good but in some respect in a poor cousin.
Yesterday was the first of two Evening Chic nights which have replaced the formal nights and it was a real mixed bag of who wore what, some staying loyal to the dinner suit while others just opting for smart casual. It did seem to me to be a much more relaxed atmosphere so I am all for the new set up. This leads me nicely on to our fellow dinners as last night we were joined by the pair who missed the first night. They are a couple from Sunderland, she is a native Teessider while he is from Scotland and for evening chic he opted for the full highland attire. So now our table is full with 5 gents and 3 ladies providing a real diverse group of diners and all being well should make for some very lively and interesting conversation during this cruise. It has also transpired that one of the couples from Atlanta will also on our Baltic cruise later in the the year. The coincidences keep coming!

I was awake at 4:00 this morning but for the first time this week managed to doze back off again and not coming round until 7:00. We again found the Oceanview Cafe to be relatively deserted with plenty of seats available at the back so we could enjoy our breakfast outside. We also spotted our assistant waiter Oomesh there this morning who was on table clearing duty and managed to have a really nice chat with him.

Earlier in the day the weather was very cloudy but still lovely and warm albeit a tad windy so we made our way up to the Solstice Deck for a spot of reading. We also experienced a couple of showers which moved everybody from the sunbeds, this I found quite amusing as there we all are lying in swimming attire on towels and it rains so just about everybody gets up and runs for cover. The showers lasted for no more than a few minutes but it was like a stampede.
In a bid to miss the crowds we decided to miss lunch today and to go for tea instead, with the weather not being full sunshine most people haven’t braved it up on deck so I dread to think how manic the eating establishments have been. I do confess to a brief moment of weakness and popping down to the Mast Grille for a quick burger and fries which did help me through this long period of fasting and of course I had to take back some frozen yogurt in cone to appease a certain person who didn’t join me for a burger.

Just before 2:00 the skies emptied and we sought refuge under the awnings at the sunset bar for a while before returning to the cabin. The sun has been in and out interspersed with the odd shower so we decided the best course of action was to make for our balcony which luckily for us today had the sun (when it was out that is). A spot of reading and of course the opportunity for me to write this.

Tonight the show is a three man tribute to Michael Bublé which we have decided to give a go. According to the programme it has wowed audiences across the USA and is a show not to be missed. Find out tomorrow if it is!

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