Celebrity Eclipse Postcard #11 – A Sea Day

Captain’s Club Elite members and above along with all Suite guests were invited onto the helipad for the sailaway from Stockholm. We attended but were some 10 minutes late so when we arrived it was already quite crowded. All the perimeter spots had been taken so we had to make do with the middle of the helipad itself and it in fact allowed us to mingle with a few of the officers who were very chatty. We stayed for about an hour and enjoyed a glass of champagne while listening to Abba being played a loud speaker ( what else when sailing out of Stockholm!!). I certainly hadn’t anticipated the amount of people that would be there and eventually most drifted away leaving just a few and some better spots to view the sail out.

We weren’t overly impressed with Gareth Oliver the ventriloquist, funny in places but certainly not the polished act Celebrity portrayed him to be. Apparently he was on the same Britain’s Got Talent as Susan Boyle.

A sea day today and the chance to have a well earned lie in. The weather was again very windy last night but the sea was no where near as choppy as the night before.
It was my turn for coffee duty this morning so at 9:00am I made my way to the buffet to get it and on the return leg there was an announcement over the tannoy which said – Crew only, Star Code, Star Code, Star Code, deck 4, Moonlight Sonata which we later discovered had been a medical emergency. At 9:40 the Captain announced there would be an emergency evacuation due to a passenger being taken ill and all forward open decks would be closed until after the helicopter had left. Sad news for someone and I hope not too serious.

We watched the helicopter arrive and were able to monitor events via the TV while it sat on the helipad. It sat there for a good 35 minutes before finally taking off with the unfortunate person onboard. Last time we witnessed a medical evacuation the ship came to halt while it took place but today we maintained speed and the helicopter just sat on the helipad with its rotor blades spinning.

Not the best of days to be out on deck or even on the balcony due to the strong northerly winds so after lunch which was taken in the dinning room we went back to the cabin to chill.
Tonight is the Senior Officers Cocktail Party which we will attend in the Sky Lounge, there are no vouchers issued for today as there is an open bar for 45 minutes.
Tonight the entertainment comes in the form of Jayne Curry who we enjoyed immensely on the Eclipse back in January.

Last port tomorrow before 2 sea days before arrival back at Southampton.

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