Celebrity Solstice Postcard #2 – Stopover at Redondo Beach, California

​I had no trouble getting to sleep last night, it was staying asleep that was the problem. We went to bed around our normal time but I was wide awake at 3:00 so ended up filling the time doing a bit of local research on my tablet. The main thing on my mind at that time being breakfast.

We eventually surfaced just after 8:00 and wandered over to the Mariana & Pier in search of some sustenance having found a couple of potential venues earlier.

One of the places which came up in my search was called Polly’s on the pier and that was where we eventually ate. We must have timed it to perfection as not long after we arrived a queue built up for seats outside. It’s just the sort of place we love, no bells or whistles just simple cooked good plain food. One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that the Americans certainly know how to do eggs for breakfast. My omelette was fantastic so there is a good chance we’ll be there tomorrow too.

To walk our hearty breakfast off we walked along Hermosa Beach for a couple of hours while waiting for family to arrive.

Just after midday my daughter and grandson turned up and we spent the afternoon walking and catching up. My grandson is just 4 months old and it was our very first meeting and being able to get together with them at the beginning of this trip was very special.

Shortly after 6:00 my son joined us as well and I think it’s the first time in over 10 years we have all been together. It’s just a shame the visit was so short but I count myself very fortunate to at least having had the opportunity.

My son couldn’t stay the night as he had to be up for college the next day but the other two have stopped at the hotel with us so we will get to see more of them tomorrow before the next leg of our journey which is the flight to Auckland. Our flight isn’t until the evening so we will have the best part of the day with them.

I was flagging again by 9:00 which was no doubt due to the fact I was awake early. Maybe it will help me sleep longer through the night this time………

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