Very hot and humid would be my first impression of Suva, we sailed in at around 7:30 and such was the heat haze it was difficult to make certain shapes and colours out. As we neared the port things became clearer and the colours started to appear. Suva was a much bigger and busier port than our previous stops on cruise two and one where we could walk straight off.
So after breakfast we went back to the cabin to gather a few things and then made our way ashore. The outside temperature felt really hot and it was very humid and it didn’t take much effort to build up a sweat, in fact in reality you didn’t actually need to do anything at all.
Suva is what I would class as a pester port, as soon as you are off the ship there are locals all wanting to sell you tours but having researched what was here to see prior to leaving the UK we were not the slightest bit interested in what this location had on offer.
This behaviour continued all the way up the main street from the port exit with the taxi drivers being the worst culprits.
We then spent about an hour just browsing the shops and managed to pick up a couple of souvenirs, did some more walking until the humidity got the better of us and at which point we made our way back to the ship just in time for some lunch.
The very humid conditions continued throughout the afternoon and there were moments of light relief when we were treated to a shower or two. All we ended up doing was sitting up on a virtually deserted Solstice Deck in sweltering conditions and every now and then cooling off under the cold shower they have on this version of the ship, I don’t think we would have coped without it.
There were beaches available on tours but they all involved a 30 minute plus drive and to be honest we are more than happy to just sit up on deck and enjoy the facilities. Something comfortable is always close to hand.
This last photo is of deck 14 at about 3:45 and the temperature is 31°C. I’ve never known anything like it.