After leaving Cape Horn yesterday afternoon at 2:15 we started our crossing of the Drake Passage on route to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. Like the seas around the Horn, this body of water also has its own reputation for being a little unpredictable. It can sometimes be referred to as either the Drake Lake or the Drake Quake or Shake for obvious reasons. I read the following elsewhere which I would like to share.
“Its a passage of water with a mind of its own. Its your visa for getting to Antarctica.”
I think we are being very lucky with our southern transit, the wind is chilly but not really cold and although the sea is not flat it’s by no means as bad as some of the footage or photos I’ve seen.
This morning Nicole and I did several full circuits of the upper deck to get a bit of exercise, it poured the whole time we were out there but we did manage 10,000 steps before we came in. We packed for Antarctica so we the have appropriate clothing for all weather so stayed nice and dry. Not everyone had the same idea as us because it was practically deserted.
The rest of the day we just chilled in preparation for the next few days. We have been told we should be able to see Antarctica by 8:00 tomorrow morning.
Your commitment to exercise is admirable! I think I’d have been snuggled next to a window with my Kindle and some hot chocolate!
I hope the seas stay relatively calm for you.
I hear you Duncan, but it’s more for my conscience than anything.