Yet another great MDR experience last night and the vegan menu for Nicole just seems to get better and better. After our meal we wandered around the ship, stopping off for the occasional drink but what was really great to see was all the live entertainment with passengers dancing at several locations around the ship. One of the lounges (Viareggio) was packed and it was the first time we have seen this being used on either of our cruises. Things are returning to normal at last.
We arrived at Genoa at 9:00 today and today our plans involved a bit of walking finishing up with a vegan lunch. We spent a night here pre-cruise a few years ago and really enjoyed it so it was nice to revisit some of the locations. We also sought out Porta Soprana, which was a gate in the old city walls and built in 1155. For some reason or another we seemed to have overlooked this last time.
We also wanted to find a little gallery shop where we had spotted some work by an artist called Manuela Compri that we really liked last time but didn’t purchase anything, today we put that right and it will go with all our other travelling art treasures in our downstairs loo. We also used the Happy Cow app so Nicole could have a vegan lunch, there were only two places listed and the one we selected was 5 minutes from the gallery and a great choice as the food was delicious. Even staying in the shade as much as possible it was still very hot to walk around which is why we have been limiting our time ashore to just the morning. Today was no exception and we arrived back onboard around 12:30. The old cruise terminal with the Costa Firenze is a great blend of old and new.
When we arrived back in our cabin, we found our steward had been busy and left us a pair of towel animal swans with a heart shape in the centre
We spent a bit of time out on the top deck before changing the order around a bit to accommodate sailaway. Being as it was much later than the previous ones, we showered early, got ready for dinner then went out to find seats at Lounge Della Moda. Our Captain likes to reverse in and go straight out so it makes for the perfect sail away location even if tonight we were 25 minutes late.
WOW! Towel Animals? Real cruising is back!