I forgot to mention yesterday about our ½ hour time change, it was the first of what will be six on this cruise and the 3 heading in this direction are all back so we get extra time in bed. It does pose the potential of me waking up at some ungodly hour of the morning over the coming weeks just as I am getting accustomed to the time zone.

Today was a real kickback day and for us, the morning was spent at the aft on the Sun Deck (16) where the weather was mostly cloudy, but there were brief moments when the sun poked through making it quite pleasant. Lunch in the dining room today was listed as a pub lunch and I enjoyed a chicken curry followed by a sherry trifle.

I’m was relieved it wasn’t the normal type of menu as on previous sea days I have gone a bit over the top with my selections then done the same in the evening which consequently left me feeling rather full and very uncomfortable. The word gluttony springs to mind. In the afternoon we managed to secure a couple of beds that were virtually in the same place as the morning so just continued to enjoy the downtime. To help while away the hours, I have been reading a book that my brother bought me just prior to leaving the UK. It’s by Bill Bryson and called “Down Under”, he’s an author I have heard of but have never read any of his books and so far I am really enjoying reading it. I don’t read much at home so it makes a nice change to be able to pick up a book.
The weather deteriorated as the afternoon went on and at 4:00 we eventually succumbed to the cooler temperature and made our way back to the cabin which appeared to be what everyone else had done because the ship was deserted.
This evening was a dress to impress night and although a few made the effort, we made the decision not to. Apart from the extra luggage which we didn’t really have room for, we much prefer to dress for dinner in more comfortable attire these days. I do wonder how much longer the few will continue to make the effort on the cruise lines that still have what was the old formal night.
We didn’t venture out again until we went to eat and stumbled upon a presentation of first officers and a pyramid of fizz in The Piazza.

This culminated with Captain Christopher B. Lye giving a speech about Princess Cruises and their pledge to serve us all during the cruise hoping that we are all enjoying the cruise and their service.
Another short post today and the clocks go back 1 ½ hours tonight so I will be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow.
Fitbit Steps 7,505
Wow – the pool is empty…interesting. Wonder if it will be filled at all during this cruise.
1.5 hour adjustment – thank you Mr. McNamee for the explanation.
While most of Australia works on hourly time changes, South Australia where Adelaide is, works on a half hour behind the east coast, As, you then travel further west, you gain another 1.5 hours to reach West Australian time for Perth.
Most of the US is having our “ fall back” time change tonight. Odd that they do 1/2 hour increments while aboard!
PS – loving your Fitbit tracker, thx!