Just as we were departing Broome last night the captain came over the PA to inform us that the ship is going to be employing certain measures due to a gastro virus onboard. The buffet has been set up to a point at what you want system with some of the areas not open at all. Hopefully it will pass quickly and we can avoid getting it ourselves.

Today is remembrance day and we have purchased a couple of poppies that we will wear to dinner tonight. They are a lot more delicate than the ones we get in the UK and actually look more life like.
At 11:00 the horn sounded and the ensign was once again dropped to half mast. They had a service in the theatre at 10:30 and although we didn’t go, I saw some photos on FB later and it was standing room only.

At midday we started our transit of Yampi Sound which continued during the afternoon. We passed by several islands along the route and heard commentary about various things as we progressed. One of the islands has an iron ore mine that produces the finest ore anywhere else in the world. It’s so good that you can actually weld two pieces together.

Other than that, it’s been a very relaxing day sat outside on deck 17, reading and taking a dip in the pool. Same again tomorrow
Fitbit Steps 12,764
Well that gave me a bit of a catch in my throat, hearing about the remembrances and the standing room only. Thanks for sharing. And maybe order Room Service for a few days…good luck.