It was most welcome that today we were not in port first thing and we were all able to have a bit of a lie in. In fact it was quite a leisurely morning and we eventually went for breakfast around 10:30 which we enjoyed sat out the back in the open in an area called The Great Outdoors. Partially cloudy but nice and warm and much better than yesterday’s downpours.

We arrived at Dubrovnik at just before 2:00pm and were very soon given the all clear to leave the ship. Having been to Dubrovnik several times before and with another visit lined up in September we set off with the aim of taking the cable car up to the viewing area of Mount Srd for the panorama. Well when we arrived at the bottom, the cable car service had been suspended due to the strong cross winds but there were plenty of taxis on hand all offering a trip to the top and back for a very comparative fee and so we decided that was what we would do. I think if I am honest it’s probably a better way of getting up there and certainly more comfortable.

As suspected the views from the top are quite stunning and we spent a good 30 minutes up there taking photos and taking in the scenery. Our taxi driver John was waiting to take us down, the downward journey took a while longer as there is only a single track road which is for traffic going both ways. It does get a bit hairy in places especially when you meet something coming the other way on one of the bends but our driver seemed well tuned to what was needed and actually told us we were his 6th fare of the day up that particular route.
Once down we had a quick stroll round the town before returning to the ship, we can do some other things next time we are here but being as the sun was was out and skies were blue we thought we should go back and make the most of it along with the free food and drink. The town was also very busy and we couldn’t really be bothered with fighting for a bit of space with everyone else.

Once back to the ship we made our way up to the quiet sun deck we have found which is on top of the Haven area, so far we have seen only a handful of people apart from us that have gone up there. If the good weather continues then it is going to be our spot.
We opted to eat in the Grand Pacific Dining room tonight and were very impressed with both the service and food. We followed this up by a visit to the Stardust Theatre where we enjoyed the show which were acrobats Yuriy & Iryna from Kiev. It was a very entertaining show of acrobatics.
After a quick walk round the upper decks and a look in the different bars we have decided to retire for the evening and prepare for our busy sea day tomorrow……….
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